We are currently looking for new highly qualified Ph.D. students to lead computational efforts in ongoing research in vortex-dominated and turbulent flows to start in the Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 semesters. A successful candidate will be part of an inter-disciplinary group and will have the opportunity to collaborate with other faculty and students at the University of Memphis. The focus of the research is on using and developing computational fluid dynamics and machine learning methods to understand turbulence in vortex-dominated flows such as those produced by rotorcraft, fans, wind turbines, and unmanned vehicles. The positions are computational and the candidate is expected to have significant computational and programming experience, ideally in C and Python languages, and ability to work on large research codes. Experience with MPI is desirable.
The positions are fully funded with stipend, tuition, and benefits. The student will work at the forefront of the cutting-edge turbulence and CFD research. There will be opportunity to collaborate with researchers at national laboratories, publish in top-tier journal papers, and attend international professional conferences hosted by the American Physical Society, America Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, among others.
Check out more at https://blogs.memphis.edu/dvfoti/team/daniel-foti/. We are a growing lab with a postdoc, five graduate students, and several undergraduate students. We have a diverse portfolio of research projects with funding from NSF, DOE, ONR, ARL, and ARO, among others.
To apply, please email Professor Daniel Foti (dvfoti@memphis.edu).