Research theme area:
Impact Assessment, Impact mitigation, Offshore Wind Energy Development.
The candidate will collaborate with researchers from the project EnvSoOff promoted by TotalEnergies at the Research Centre for Gas Innovation of POLI-USP at the University of São Paulo. Summary of the program and projects can be found at the RCGI website ( This research project is focussed on investigating impact mitigation strategies applied to offshore energy projects.
The applicant will contribute in line with the main objectives of the EnvSoOff project. Research activities include: (i) reviewing environmental and social impact assessment studies for offshore wind energy and oil and gas exploration and production; (ii) planning and conducting interviews; (iii) meeting with environmental agencies; (iv) internal workshops; (v) writing and submitting at least one manuscript to a scholarly journal.
Requirements to fill the position:
This project is suitable for a highly motivated candidate and requires demonstrated theoretical and practical knowledge of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in Brazil and elsewhere. The position is full-time. Skills for writing scientific papers in English are necessary. Qualitative data analysis skills are a plus.
This Postdoc fellowship is funded by FUSP. The fellowship will cover a standard maintenance stipend of R$9.500,00 per month.
Position: Post-Doctoral Fellowship REF.: 25PDR312
Access here AND APPLICATION AT REF Post-Doctoral REF.: 25PDR312